Retail Service Providers

The success of the District’s broadband infrastructure can only occur with the important alliances that have been established with our/your Retail Service Providers.  The Washington State legislators facilitated PUD’s telecommunication infrastructure capacity sharing but strictly in a wholesale role.  The Retail Service Providers are the link to the consumer.  The District has agreements with the following Retail Service Providers.  Please contact them for your bandwidth needs.  Working together, solutions, where possible, will be sought that address the infrastructure requirements.

For more detailed information about standard and business class service please click on "Standard Class and Premium Class services" below.

Standard and Premium Class Services (Click here to expand)

Standard Class Service is a District best effort product available to RSPs for resale to their residential retail and small business customers who have no desire for higher reliability levels, NOC services, VLANs, or protected circuits.  This service will be supported during business hours Monday through Friday between 8am - 4pm.  Standard service will allow RSPs to provide multiple services to residents and businesses , for example, internet, IPTV and voice over IP.

Premium Class Service is the District’s required lit bandwidth offering for RSP internal use circuits as well as an optional service for their retail customers desiring a higher level circuit reliability and 24x7 service response to those retail customers whose broadband needs are mission critical.  These circuits are normally internet, point-to-point, or private line circuits and create considerable business disruption for the RSP and retail customer if they cease working.  The District provides NOC monitoring service and multiple protection path out of the county for ultimate circuit protection.

Legend:IPTVIPTV - Planning StagesInternetNorth County WirelessTelephone
Company Name Pricing Phone/Web Services Connection Request
Standard Class Service (Residential and Small Business)
iFiber Communications pricing 509.447.2600
submit request
MiFiber pricing 208.437.4544
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Wired or Wireless pricing 509.447.3067
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Premium Class Service
iFiber Communications pricing 509.447.2600
submit request
Northwest Open Access Network pricing 866.662.6380
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MiFiber pricing 208.437.4544
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Sisna pricing 509.535.1169
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Wired or Wireless pricing 509.447.3067
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WHOLESAIL Networks pricing 206.777.7770
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Visionary Communications pricing 509.688.8000
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